Open Knowledge Belgium

Apps for Flanders – Business Lounge

Mathias Van Compernolle

During the Open Data Day on the 14th of June, Apps for Flanders takes place at the same venue. During this event, main focus is on the economic value of innovative open data applications .

Apps for Flanders is part of Apps for Europe, a European program established by European Commissioner Neelie Kroes.
Apps for Europe wants to encourage governments in 10 different EU Member States to open datasets, and in the meanwhile create and stimulate the social and economic impact of open data. In Flanders this story is lead by the Flemish ICT Organisation (V-ICT-OR), the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) and iMinds-Multimedia Lab.

Earlier, successful programming contests took place in Flanders where opened datasets served as the basis for the development of new digital applications. In previous editions participants work with data sets from local and central governments as Ghent, Antwerp and the Flemish government, but also from a thematic perspective, such as geographic information and labor market data.
During Apps for Flanders, we organize a business lounge, where selected apps and the teams behind it are getting inspired to find out new business models and coached by experts. In the afternoon we have a pitching session where the jury selects the three best apps!

The program:
9u30 -9u50: Warming-up: sketch up of the different actors in the open data field (Hans Tubbax – BICC – Thomas More)

9u50 – 10u30: Get inspired: session on business models for open data ( Flanders DC)

10u45-11u30: Coaching session: selected winners from earlier Apps For X events are coached on their business model to gain economical valorization.

11u30 – 12u00: Plenair (Open Data Day): Keynote

12u00 – 13u45: Lunch and preparation time

13u45 – 15u15: Pitching time

15u15-16u00: Deliberation of the jury

16u00: Wrap up Open Data Day and Award Ceremony

Extra information:

Subscripition for the event itself:

Venue: Boudewijngebouw, Boudewijnlaan 30, 1000 Brussel


Raf Buyle V-ICT-OR

Pieter Colpaert OKFN / iMinds

Mathias Van Compernolle OKFN


Open knowledge Belgium VZW / asbl
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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